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Course Credit Transfer

Course Credit Transfer

Course Credit Transfer is the recognition of learning achieved through formal education and training. Under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations, qualifications and statements of attainment issued by any RTO are to be accepted and recognised by all other RTOs. Credit transfer allows the unit of competency previously achieved by a student to be recognised when they are enrolling in a related course, where those units can assist them in meeting the requirements for a qualification. It is important to note that credit transfer is not a recognition of prior learning (RPL). RPL is an assessment and is addressed within the Recognition policy.

Students may apply for recognition of existing qualifications or skills, knowledge and experience (credit transfer or recognition of prior learning) as per the information included in our Student Handbook.

For international students, the granting of course credit may affect their course fees as well as the duration of the course.

The result of the application for the credit and any changes to fees or course duration will be advised to students in writing.

If course credit is granted following the issuance of the Confirmation of Enrolment, students will receive a new Confirmation of Enrolment showing a reduced course duration.

Credit Transfer Guidelines

The following guidelines are to be followed when an application for credit transfer is received:

    • Any student is entitled to apply for credit transfer in a course or qualification in which they are currently enrolled.
    • Students may not apply for credit transfer for units of competency or qualification which are not included in our scope of registration.
    • The student does not incur any fees for credit transfer and we do not receive any funding when credit transfer is granted.
    • Credit transfer may only be awarded for whole units of competency. Where a mapping guide identifies a partial credit, this will not be considered for credit transfer and the applicant will be advised to seek RPL.
    • Credit transfer will only be issued when the student’s enrolment includes at least one other unit of competency for which the student is participating in training or is seeking recognition. A student may not enrol only for credit transfer. In Cookery and Hospitality program some units of competency are delivered as clustered. Students are advice to speak with admission and apply for credit transfer before commencement.
    • The recognition of a unit of competency under a credit transfer arrangement is not contingent on the applicant demonstrating their currency. If the unit has been previously awarded and equivalence can be demonstrated then the unit can be recognised. The currency of the applicant is not a factor to be considered.

For further details please contact our admissions team.
Email: [email protected]

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

In accordance with the requirements of the VET Quality Framework, WSC provides the opportunity for students to apply to have prior learning, skills and knowledge recognised, and counted to the qualification or units of competence for which they are enrolled.

What is recognition?

Recognition involves the assessment of previously unrecognised skills and knowledge that an individual has achieved outside the formal education and training system. The recognition process assesses the existing skills and knowledge against the requirements of a unit of competence, in respect of both entry requirements and outcomes to be achieved. By removing the need for duplication of learning, recognition encourages an individual to continue upgrading their skills and knowledge through structured education and training towards formal qualifications and improved employment outcomes. This has benefits for the individual and industry. Most importantly, it should be noted that recognition is just another form of assessment.

Recognition guidelines

The following guidelines are to be followed when an application for recognition is received:

    • Any student is entitled to apply for recognition in a course or qualification in which they are currently enrolled.
    • Students may not apply for recognition for units of competency or qualification which are not included in WSC’s scope of registration.
    • Students who have previously failed a module/competency will not be considered for RPL unless their application is supported by further documentation.
    • Students who are currently enrolled in a training program are eligible to apply for recognition in that program at no additional charge.
    • Assessment via recognition is to apply the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.
    • Recognition may only be awarded for whole units of competency.

For further details please contact our admissions team.
Email: [email protected]